Most of the houses for rent in 32836 are located in Dr. Phillips Orlando FL. However not all of them are. Some are in Orlando but on the western side of the lakes nearest Walt Disney World. Either way both sides have their attractions, fine communities and nice homes. Most people will prefer Dr. Phillips.
Dr. Phillips is a Census designated location near Universal Resort and Interstate-4. Primary attractions to Dr. Phillips include the amazing community park, the YMCA, restaurant row and more attractions are coming really soon.
Wendy Morris Realty manages rental properties in this are all nearby zip-codes. We are very familiar with every community in this area and the local markets. If you own a home, business or investment property reach out to us. We would be glad to discuss the management of your property. We have the most modern systems and a very low eviction rate. Tenants also seem to be loyal to our management.
Leasing a home here is challenging and competitive. It is very common to have multiple applications for a home after just a couple of days of proper marketing. Be ahead of the game by having a good rental history, good credit score and plenty of income to cover the rent price. All backgrounds are checked and do not be surprised if a criminal background check will be required also. Below are the houses for rent in 32836.