Homes For Rent in Southbridge Village Windermere FL are actually townhomes. The townhomes in Southbridge are very close to Summerport and often confused with them. However the same amenities are shared so the difference is minute other than a slight location difference.
Southbridge is located between Eden Isle and Lake Smith. This area is extremely because if you are commuting towards Windermere, Disney or the Winter Garden Village you are never slowed by the traffic jam which occurs near the school. Not to mention you can easily cover the distance to the Publix Supermarket in such a short amount of time it's tempting to walk.
This is an incredible area and I used to actually live near here on Speer Lake. I am a Realtor With Wendy Morris Realty and we are both very familiar with this part of Windermere and Winter Garden. There is so much excitement pertaining to local development it is a great thing to have purchased one of these townhomes. Especially if you purchased in 2006 or 2007 when the homes were first built. You may see a townhome for rent here from 1,490 to 1,640 square feet which is the perfect size for most of us.
If you own a home here why not keep it forever? Build some equity and 20 years from now think how happy about the decision you will be. How do you go about that? Reach out to us today and lets discuss placing a qualified tenant in your townhouse for rent in Southbridge Village in Windermere FL.
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